MovableType Dropcash Plugins
David Rayners wrote a MovableType Dropcash plugin and then held it for ransom through Dropcash until he raised $30. Though his PayPal account is new, and he couldn't accept the payments to reflect on his Dropcash page, he released his plugin as soon as he hit $30.
Chad Everett did something similar with a feature for his MT-Notifier plugin.
I'm actually not sure myself.
What are your settings in Profile=>Payment Receiving Preferences?
Andre, at September 11, 2004 at 8:05 PM
Please email me, andre.torrez at gmail. I don't check these comments every day.
Andre, at September 13, 2004 at 8:26 PM
Here's a clue - there are two kinds of paypal accounts. One is where you don't get transaction fees taken out of payments and don't accept credit cards. The other is where you do accept credit cards, but get transaction fees taken out of ALL payments, even the ones that aren't credit cards.
The problem is that someone can attempt to pay you by credit card even if you only have the first kind of account, and then what happens is it isn't auto-accepted, and you get an offer to upgrade your account.
So I have two paypal accounts - one for people who want to pay by credit card, and another for people who want to pay via their own paypal account. I wish there were a way to route things so that the payer wouldn't have to choose between the two. So if they tried to pay by credit card, it would just go one account, but otherwise would go to the other.
Unknown, at November 20, 2004 at 4:53 PM
Hi Andre, I was out blog surfing looking for some info on guaranteed credit card when I ended up on your page. Obviously I ended up a little off base, but your topic caught my eye. While I am here, I just wanted to drop a quick note to comment your to move on and continue my search for guaranteed credit card. I am going to
bookmark your site for future reference and reading. Should you ever need it, you can get specific information about guaranteed credit card at the site above.
Anonymous, at December 12, 2005 at 6:20 PM
oh my gosh, everyone has read this post! i, personally, don't mind paying paypal's credit card processing fees. if you ask me, it's a small price to pay for the convenience of accepting cards without having a merchant account.
shannon, at January 24, 2008 at 10:07 PM
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